regarding 'blazingly fast', I'm still trying to set it up.
In essence I'll be trying to abuse the Memento Database UI's
template generating ability in that after reverse engineering
the format used by it, it could become possible to generate
one oneself.
The idea is to use the 'Radio Button' feature extensively,
rather than the concept of drop-down lists to select entries
for a field.
The table of accounts is in fact a structured list, which can
be translated into a general tree. From that tree, one can
generate a template for Radio Buttons which would mostly
result in a sequence of selections to go through with one's
thumb (on a smartphone).
Let me visualise this highly conceptual blabber a bit:
Assume the following accounts:
Then, when entering an account to record a transaction in the field,
your smarphone presents you a set of buttons to touch:
.assets .expenses .income .liabilities
Assume you touch .assets with your thumb.
You'll then be presented the following:
.banks .cash
(If you had touched .expenses you'd seen something else.)
Assume you touch .cash, you'll see
.me .wife and choose: .me
Etcetera. For .expenses and all the rest you'll be presented
the relevant buttons for those choices and the following choices
you'll make.
I think that this way your accounts can be 'thumbed in' quite fast
withouth the trouble of scrolling through an extensive drop-down
list or moving around a keyboard.
Of course, if there's any new account you would have to enter that
In the same manner, the products that you buy can be entered.
Let's say you do some groceries, they can be structured as well:
.Delhaize .Carrefour .AH .Ikea
Touch .Carrefour:
.hardware .food .clothes (touch food)
.vegetables .fruit .starch-based .spices .gels (touch gels)
.jam .chutney .preserve .sambal... no, sambal is spices
(touch jam)
up to the packing and units:
.box .bottle .sachet (I know, you don't have this for beer)
(Grolsch beer): touch bottle
.300 ml .500 ml .1 l
No more typing, no more scrolling.
All this information can be obtained from previous purchases,
or entered as they are encountered for the first time.
The price from a previous 'encounter' can also be presented,
or re-entered if changed. The only thing you need the keyboard
then for is to type in the number of items bought, which will
probably default to 1 (or 12 in the case of beer :).
The nice thing about the Memento Database buttons is that they
can be made dependable on previously entered fields, so only
buttons that make sense are shown to choose from.
After a day or so, the whole table can be exported and
converted into the format readable by ledger.
I had planned to work on this the previous months when
something more urgent came up, but with some luck within
some time I could pick up where I left soon.
One other thing that put me off about LSMB was the time lost
for inputting data. Oh, and also the difficulties installing
it on other platforms than the primary supported ones, and as
a result the difficulties with the frequent upgrades which
required additional work. That's why I was excited to see
there's now a Docker container available.
On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 21:26:49 +0200
Post by Erik HuelsmannOn Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 2:54 AM, ledger-smb-users <
Post by ledger-smb-usersOn Mon, 10 Apr 2017 20:20:50 +0200
Post by Erik HuelsmannWill you be using Docker to run LedgerSMB?
No I won't: I don't run LedgerSMB anymore.
The 'trust breaking event' was some hundreds (or more) of
transactions mishandled because LSMB automatically marked
them for processing and 'assumed' my 'OK' when I tried to
leave that page, without any warning.
Yes. I'm aware of that. Your reaction triggered me to think you were
going to use it again as you were enthousiastic about the new
possibility for installation.
Post by ledger-smb-usersI would have had to delve deep into the caves of
PostgresQL to try to fix that, and because also the
inputting (lots of clicking, dropping down and typing) of
transactions makes the process too slow to my liking.
I found ledger-cli which stores everything in human-readable
text files and it has enough features for me.
And I found a rather quick way to input transactions on a
smartphone and am working now on a 'blazingly fast' way to
improve the speed (to reduce valuable time wasted on inputting).
I think every user of LedgerSMB would be tremendously interested in
having entry be "blazingly fast". Could you provide a bit more detail
on how you achieve the fast entry? Maybe the entry methods in
LedgerSMB can be adaped to allow it?
Post by ledger-smb-usersThere is also no interaction with taxing departments that have to
be lulled into believing that once a transaction is registered
it can not be altered anymore. ;)
Assuming you have a company, don't you have to file taxes? If you
don't have a company, I'm very interested to learn why you keep books
at all.
Post by ledger-smb-usersMy interest in following this list comes from the fact that I
learned accounting through LSMB, and am secretly hoping that
one day I read an announcement that it has
1. become 'blazingly fast' to input transactions as they are
performed during the day, i.e.: 'on the fly',
2. and therefore also works on smartphones.
So far I think this is a matter of process, not of tooling. Is there
currently anything that's preventing you from doing this? I have
actually used LedgerSMB on a tablet; I'm thinking the small screen of
a phone will probably inhibit productive use of the UI in general
(although I can imagine specific use-cases where a dumbed-down UI
would work pretty well with mobile applications -- shipping and
receiving comes to mind).
Again, I'm very interested to learn how you're solving the data entry
problem on your phone at this point; hoping there's something to be
learned for LedgerSMB.