[Ledger-smb-users] LedgerSMB 1.5.0 released
Erik Huelsmann
2016-12-24 17:53:45 UTC
The LedgerSMB project is proud to announce the release of 1.5.0,
the start of a new line of maintenance releases.

This release can be summarized as a major user experience boost
through improvements in performace, look and stability. Performance
improvements are being achieved by moving from per-request-invoked
CGI-scripts to a preloaded-PSGI application as well as moving to a
single-page web application using the Dojo toolkit.

On the project's website both installation instructions[1] and upgrade
instructions[2] are available.

UI changes
LedgerSMB now frameless (ChrisT)
Full use of Dojo widgets (ErikH)
Compressed/compiled Dojo for better performance (JohnL)
Reports and screens can now be bookmarked (Chris T)
Optionally can add unapproved trans. to some reports (Chris T)

Price Matrix Enhancements
Quantity discounts can be set in the pricematrix (Chris T)
Price matrix now filters on currency (Chris T)

Template changes
All document templates (including INCLUDEs) now in-database (Erik H, #854)
1.4's <?lsmb LETTERHEAD ?> now <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead ?>
1.3's INCLUDE extensions dropped;
<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?> -> <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead ?>

Code Cleanup
Relying on Plack for webserver integration; stub scripts removed (ChrisT)
Removed LedgerSMB's custom dojo page loader (ErikH)
Removed dead code (coveralls.io used for identification) (ErikH)
Removed dependency on Class::Struct (ChrisT)
Removed all inserts into chart view (ChrisT, GH 931)
Removed long-broken French chart of accounts (ChrisT)
Removed unused saved trial balance components (ChrisT, GH 775)
Source tree restructuring: libraries in lib/, docroot in UI/ (ErikH)

API Enhancements
Moved a great deal of code into PGObject framework on CPAN (ChrisT)
Session handling committed before main action (Chris T, GH 943)

Quality assurance
Verification of pre-defined Chart of Accounts files (ChrisT)
Assurance of completeness of 'use'-tested source files (ErikH)
Extended 'use'-tests to cover full set of source files (ErikH)
New tests validating source code requirements, such as (ErikH)
Reject code using certain modules (Data::Dumper, Carp::Always, ...)
Reject code which isn't formatted correctly
Reject code which uses certain constructs
Basic verification of PO (translation) files (ErikH)
Basic automated in-browser testing through SauceLabs.com (ErikH/ChrisT)
Basic automated in-browser testing with PhantomJS (ErikH)

Expansion of web based translation support through Transifex (ErikH)

ChrisT is Chris Travers
ErikH is Erik Huelsmann
JohnL is John Locke

The release can be downloaded from sourceforge at

These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
150ab5ad96175bf02eb72ab1525123875b34acc1393d4c207f8a5ffb36ccc477 ledgersmb-1.5.0.tar.gz
7a7b797510f3829d1830ff2e7bfc88da51ace6db13e23d88955cb5f30c2d7432 ledgersmb-1.5.0.tar.gz.asc

[1] https://ledgersmb.org/content/installing-ledgersmb-15
[2] https://ledgersmb.org/content/upgrading-ledgersmb-15
2016-12-27 20:44:20 UTC
Congratulations for achieving this milestone!

Thanks for your hard work!

I hope to start experimenting with this release soon.

Happy New Year to you all!

Post by Erik Huelsmann
The LedgerSMB project is proud to announce the release of 1.5.0,
the start of a new line of maintenance releases.
This release can be summarized as a major user experience boost
through improvements in performace, look and stability. Performance
improvements are being achieved by moving from per-request-invoked
CGI-scripts to a preloaded-PSGI application as well as moving to a
single-page web application using the Dojo toolkit.
On the project's website both installation instructions[1] and upgrade
instructions[2] are available.
UI changes
LedgerSMB now frameless (ChrisT)
Full use of Dojo widgets (ErikH)
Compressed/compiled Dojo for better performance (JohnL)
Reports and screens can now be bookmarked (Chris T)
Optionally can add unapproved trans. to some reports (Chris T)
Price Matrix Enhancements
Quantity discounts can be set in the pricematrix (Chris T)
Price matrix now filters on currency (Chris T)
Template changes
All document templates (including INCLUDEs) now in-database (Erik H, #854)
1.4's <?lsmb LETTERHEAD ?> now <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead ?>
1.3's INCLUDE extensions dropped;
<?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead.tex ?> -> <?lsmb INCLUDE letterhead ?>
Code Cleanup
Relying on Plack for webserver integration; stub scripts removed (ChrisT)
Removed LedgerSMB's custom dojo page loader (ErikH)
Removed dead code (coveralls.io used for identification) (ErikH)
Removed dependency on Class::Struct (ChrisT)
Removed all inserts into chart view (ChrisT, GH 931)
Removed long-broken French chart of accounts (ChrisT)
Removed unused saved trial balance components (ChrisT, GH 775)
Source tree restructuring: libraries in lib/, docroot in UI/ (ErikH)
API Enhancements
Moved a great deal of code into PGObject framework on CPAN (ChrisT)
Session handling committed before main action (Chris T, GH 943)
Quality assurance
Verification of pre-defined Chart of Accounts files (ChrisT)
Assurance of completeness of 'use'-tested source files (ErikH)
Extended 'use'-tests to cover full set of source files (ErikH)
New tests validating source code requirements, such as (ErikH)
Reject code using certain modules (Data::Dumper, Carp::Always, ...)
Reject code which isn't formatted correctly
Reject code which uses certain constructs
Basic verification of PO (translation) files (ErikH)
Basic automated in-browser testing through SauceLabs.com (ErikH/ChrisT)
Basic automated in-browser testing with PhantomJS (ErikH)
Expansion of web based translation support through Transifex (ErikH)
ChrisT is Chris Travers
ErikH is Erik Huelsmann
JohnL is John Locke
The release can be downloaded from sourceforge at
150ab5ad96175bf02eb72ab1525123875b34acc1393d4c207f8a5ffb36ccc477 ledgersmb-1.5.0.tar.gz
7a7b797510f3829d1830ff2e7bfc88da51ace6db13e23d88955cb5f30c2d7432 ledgersmb-1.5.0.tar.gz.asc
[1] https://ledgersmb.org/content/installing-ledgersmb-15
[2] https://ledgersmb.org/content/upgrading-ledgersmb-15
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